What is Hypnosis?

“The single biggest impediment to any individual’s ability to achieve success in any area of their life is the presence of emotional blocks that prevent them from taking the actions needed to actualize their dreams.” –Dr. Andrew M. Weil

model of mind

What is Hypnosis?

Recognized by the American Medical Association since 1958 and taught in many medical schools including Harvard University, hypnosis and hypnotherapy is used to help patients overcome chronic pain, create anesthesia, and heal psycho-genic illnesses. In fact hypnosis can be traced all the way back to ancient cultures and has been used in modern culture for over 200 years. It is estimated that approximately 85% of people will readily respond to clinical hypnotherapy. It may even succeed where other, more conventional methods of treatment have not produced the desired results

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind where the critical factor (which facilitates communication between the conscious and the subconscious mind) is relaxed and selective thinking is maintained. Once you have opened communication with your subconscious, you can discover any limiting ideas, or beliefs, that may be holding you back. With hypnosis we help you change self limiting thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


Many people fear hypnosis because of the way it has been portrayed in books, movies, television, and by stage hypnotists. Professional hypnosis and clinical hypnotherapy is very different from those portrayals. Hypnosis is very similar to daydreaming or being so completely engrossed in a book or TV program that you will pay no attention to someone speaking in the same room. Yet when a person is in hypnosis they are aware of their surroundings and at a moment’s notice are able to cope with an emergency if one was to arise.


Hypnosis The Model of the Mind the conscious mind has logic, reason, will, and determination.

Actually it’s our subconscious mind that drives us. If there is a habit, pattern or belief in the subconscious that overrides your conscious wishes, your subconscious will win every time. Through Hypnosis, the subconscious is reprogrammed for the results you desire.

The subconscious mind holds your emotions and your memory bank thus allowing hypnosis to bring about the desired changes, much more efficiently by going directly to the source.

Through hypnosis, your subconscious mind can facilitate healing the body, overcome bad habits, 
and help you get control of your life.


We incorporate the most advanced, leading edge forms of hypnosis to help you acheive your goals. We’ll help you identify the connection between present symptoms and unwanted feelings/behaviors originating in the sub conscious mind. Hypnosis allows the dissolution of old programming and the installation of new beliefs and behaviors. As the mind operates much like a computer we can effectively hit the delete button and begin anew.

Hypnosis can…

Neutralize negative feelings, habits and beliefs.

Dissolve unwanted patterns of behavior.

Ease emotional pain and anxiety.

Release pent up anger, guilt, and frustration.

Call us to learn how hypnosis can help you.